Not enough.
Rainy evening, it s Thursday. Match starts at 20.30. The girls are warming up since 19.30 and the supporters are shyly and slowly showing up.
The opponents comes from Steinhausen, near Zug. Outside the gym was hard to find a parking lot; many cars from ZG. Many supporters who came to cheer for their team.
First set: 17:25. The opponent was very stable and made many points quickly. Our Damen1 reacted too late doing a good series of services. Too late.
Second set: copy paste. 22:25. There is a change in the setter to try to modify the attack strategy. Still our opponents do not do a single mistake. Closer this time.
Third set: 19:25. Our Damen1 tried to be consistent and made many very spectacular points. Unfortunately again, the opponents consistency and lack of mistakes led them to the victory. Congratulations!
For our Damen1 the SwissCup ends here, but they will be ready for next year!
Mannschaft | 1 | 2 | 3 | T |
Damen 1 | 17 | 22 | 19 | 0 |
VBC Steinhausen | 25 | 25 | 25 | 3 |